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Central Nervous System Infections

Central Nervous System Infections

Infections of the Central Nervous System (CNS) comprise meningitis (affecting the meninges), encephalitis (affecting brain parenchyma) and myelitis (affecting the spinal cord) or abscess (pus collection with in the brain parenchyma).

Bacteria, fungi and viruses are the most common causes of CNS infections.

What are the symptoms of CNS Infection?

The symptoms of CNS Infection can range from mild to severe.

1. fever
2. headache
3. vomiting
4. stiff neck
5. lethargy (exhaustion)
6. confusion
7. drowsiness
8. coma
9. seizures
10. irritability
11. sensitivity to light

How is CNS Infection diagnosed?

Spinal tap or lumbar puncture – CSF Analysis for virus, bacteria, fungi and tuberculosis
Brain imaging with CT scan or MRI – To see for structural damage
Electroencephalograph (EEG) – To rule out seizure activity
Blood tests – Infective markers
Brain biopsy – Only done when diagnosis is doubtful

How is CNS Infection treated?


1. Antibiotics, Antiviral, Antifungal, Antitubercular agents depending on the etiology
2. Corticosteroids - to reduce brain inflammation
3. Anticonvulsants - to prevent or stop seizures
4. Sedatives - for restlessness, aggressiveness, and irritability
5. Intravenous fluids – to maintain hydration
6. Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory


Intervention for brain abscess