With machine learning, jobs ranging from caring for the elderly to identifying abnormalities on radiological images may soon lie in the hands of robots or artificial intelligence, as Dr. Siddartha Mukherjee has pointed out in his essay, A.I. Versus M.D., for The New Yorker. How will advances in technology, like seizure alert devices, impact the field of neurology? What aspects of our profession will become automated, if any? How should we prepare for the future?
We need to look ahead as rapid technological progress affects the field of neurology and how we train the future generation of neurologists. Our field will continue to change and we, as residents, need to be prepared to face those changes and even alter how we practice medicine when those changes arrive. A new subsection on neurology and technology would open the door to studying these topics. In that vein we are creating a new subsection entitled: Future of Neurology & Technology.
This section will focus on the intersection between neurology and technology. The articles in this section will provide a case-based discussion of new, emerging, or existing technologies that are being used with patients now. Each piece is encouraged to begin. The author(s) will describe how technology was used (e.g. an iPhone ophthalmoscope)to enhance the clinical and academic practice of neurology. A discussion will follow where the author(s) describe what data supports the use of this particular device, whether there are other similar devices from different companies, and what potential future opportunities exist for this particular technology. This will create a space for neurologists to focus on the technological aspects of their practice and how, in a rapidly techno-centric world, neurological practice will advance.